Vanini è il primo produttore di tavolette di cioccolato in Italia a proporre una nuova modalità di fruizione, tutta digitale, pensata per avvicinare i consumatori ai protagonisti della filiera del cacao. Grazie al nuovo packaging della linea Vanini Bagua, che dà accesso a un’esperienza di Realtà Aumentata.
Filiera, Persone, Ambiente e Innovazione sono i 4 pilastri alla base dell’approccio sintetizzato dal pay-off “Chocolate by Nature” di cui l’azienda lecchese è da sempre portavoce e che, oggi più che mai, vuole ribadire.

Cocoa is a precious gift by nature that ICAM has always taken care of, following its entire transformation process into superior-quality chocolate. This care translates into an excellent product, which every day arrives on the tables of thousands of consumers who believe in the value of sustainability.
And precisely to accompany consumers through the discovery of the “good of chocolate” Vanini, the company – first in Italy among chocolate producers – has chosen to adopt a new connected packaging for its line of Bagua bars, developed together with the agency ViewToo. An innovative technology that leverages the use of Augmented Reality to offer consumers a never-before-seen digital experience in the world of chocolate, in line with the innovative and pioneering spirit that has always characterized the company.
“At the core of the philosophy of our premium brand Vanini, there is truly the attention to the production chain, the recognition of the value of the people who contribute to the process of harvesting and processing cocoa, the protection of the environment, its biodiversity, and the continuous innovation of the technologies used throughout the processing process. Today we have decided to take it a step further, giving everyone the chance to travel virtually to the native land of cocoa, in the forests of the Amazon in Peru, to discover the ‘cocoa stories’ of the farmers who take care of this precious resource every day,” explained Giovanni Agostoni, ICAM Sales and Marketing Director.
Thanks to the QR code inside the package, which comes up in three different graphics depicting a woman, a man and a girl who are members of the Aprocam cooperative – with which ICAM collaborates – consumers will find themselves directly in the Bagua district, a region located in the north of Peru where everything begins. Each one of the three protagonists tells a different story in their original Awajun language, accompanied by subtitles, about their lives as farmers and the positive impact Aprocam and ICAM have had on the entire community. In addition, the experience includes a multilingual feature that allows users to enjoy an experience in Italian or English, depending on the idiom set by each person on their smartphone.
To activate the augmented reality content, you just need to frame the QR code with your smartphone, as the implemented web AR technology works through the device’s native browser. The environment is navigable and, therefore, by moving your smartphone you can access different sections. Among them, thanks to instant tracking that allows anchoring 3D content at a point in space and manipulating it by rotating and enlarging it – a feature that makes the experience realistic and enriches the storytelling – the consumer can plant a cocoa seed in its environment and follow, step by step, the growth of the tree, from the birth of the first sprout to the harvesting process and the drying of the beans. Rounding out the experience is also geolocation, so you can get virtually closer to such a far land.
In this way, the cocoa supply chain is transformed into a dynamic and fun path of discovery, as well as interactive and immersive, perfect for accompanying adults and children in the exploration of the world from which the much-loved food that is chocolate comes from.